Lifts or Elevators as they are known in the United States are among the most highly utilized and most visible assets in any building today. They are the one system that every tenant has an interaction with and are directly impacted by it’s performance. The quality of the overall building is often judged by whether or not the performance of the elevator is optimal.
Vertical Systems Analysis (VSA) has 35 years of experience in the Elevator Consulting Service and has expertise in a number of elevator services including Modernizations, CAT Witness Testing, engineering, survey, invoice review and permit filing and more. We work with building owners, property managers, or anyone that handles vertical transportation including elevators and escalators.
As a property owner, it can be very hard to have an elevator that is not performing at peak performance. Even if you purchased top-of-the-line equipment it can still fail to deliver the expected performance and dependability. Vertical Systems Analysis provides critical evaluations and comparisons of various equipment available so you and your team can make informed decisions on your vertical transportation needs. We can also project manage your entire project from start to finish and also work with your existing teams and stakeholders. An elevator is a big investment, and we’ll help you ensure it is performing at its peak performance for all your tenants and visitors.
If your company would like to discuss any of our services, please get in touch. We would love to hear about yo
ur project and provide an estimate and scope of work showcasing what Vertical Systems Analysis can do to help ensure your project is a success.
For more information on Vertical Systems Analysis, you can reach us at 212-989-6860. You can find our website at