In effect since January 1, 2022, the DOB code now encompasses elevators, escalators, and other conveying systems. A new annual Periodical Inspection (PI) requirement is mandated as of this date. We have summarized the key changes and requirements below for clarity and ease of understanding. These updates outline what building Owners/Managers need to know for all forms of Vertical Transportation (VT) in 2022:
Scope: The revised code now includes elevators, escalators, and various conveying systems.
Annual Periodical Inspection (PI): A new yearly inspection requirement is mandatory.
Compliance: Inspections ensure adherence to city regulations and uphold safety standards.
Elevator codes evolve to enhance safety and accommodate technological advancements. The New York City Department of Buildings (DOB) oversees these updates to uphold safety standards and ensure the well-being of building occupants and the public.

Periodic inspections in NYC refer to inspections of buildings and facilities that are conducted on a regular basis to ensure compliance with local safety and building codes. These inspections are typically overseen by various city agencies, such as the New York City Department of Buildings, the Fire Department of New York, and the Department of Environmental Protection, among others. However, according to the New code that was introduced on 01/01/22, it is now the responsibility of the Building Owner to ensure that these inspections are completed on time.
Periodical Inspection (PI).
· All NYC Tests and Inspections have changed with respect to Periodic Inspections, Cat 1, Cat 3, and Cat 5 Tests.
· All passenger, freight, and escalator units must now have a maintenance contract in effect.
· Vertical Transportation requirements just became more strict and operating expenses may increase.
· Fireman’s recall requirements will be enforced on all Periodical Inspections and Cat Tests.
· Tracking Services will be required to comply with the new rules, regulations, and filings to avoid penalties.
· Filing Fees, Fines, Forms, and other changes are noted by the DOB.
· It is IMPORTANT to comply, as some units may need 3 separate tests.
· The DOB has shortened all compliance and filing times, in addition to adding new procedures.
Note: All Testing/Inspection required must be performed by a NYC Licensed Agency and that agency cannot be affiliated with companies performing maintenance on the equipment. VSA licensed to perform these tests and is available to answer any of your questions on the new requirements. Call us at 1-800-989-5525. Or, email us at